Thursday, June 5, 2014

The meaning of Strength

I was asked about strength the other day, and I replied without any type of considerations or further thoughts, but then I gave the idea some time to see what I could get. Here's what I concluded:

Human beings are quite selfish and that makes life a place where the fight for personal interests destroys complete fairness and reasonableness. You evidence it in every sense of life such as politics, power, friendship, fame, war, success and relationships. So in order to succeed in a world like that, you must "be strong" and learn from the struggle.

But, how do you do that?. I believe that priceless teachings always come to you, you take them or leave them but they always show up!, those lessons are always telling you to be tough and stronger every time you are beaten up, and you do that by taking the risk of quitting your so-called comfort zone. So for me, the meaning of strength has to do with embracing the tough work that is mandatory in taking risks that will probably threat your "easy" or "comfort" zone. Every time you are challenged is the time when you have to take those risks, even better if you try to figure your odds.

I can always reminisce a single phrase that reminds me of the amazing things you can get when you take risks, the coach shouted really loud to the whole team that Jon Stacy "got it done" when he, one of the rookies of the Varsity basketball team literally got it done by taking his own risks and scoring the most important points of the game that gave us the victory.
So, knowing the meaning of strength is an important part of this whole issue we call life because when you know what strength means, at least you know what you are supposed to do and it could guide you in the right direction.

So, whether you are tough of not, search for your own concept of strength because that's the only way to profile yourself into eventually being strong.

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